I'm sure I have another post relating to this topic because this seems to pop up in my head a lot lately. But anyways, let's start. Yeah. Growing up, damn. You know when you were a little kid and people would ask you, "What do you wanna be when you're all grown up?" My question back is, when is it exactly a person is considered all grown up? If it's considered the legal age of 18, well ho-ho-hold your horses. I would like to bluntly disagree that I have no idea what I'm doing with my life. I honestly haven't really felt like I've aged since my 13th birthday, and that was five freaking years ago. Five! 365.25 days times 5. A pretty long time. I'm guessing this feeling is normal. Teenage angst, I suppose is what they call it. I hope someday it'll hit me. 'It' being what I really wanna be when I grow up, because even as a kid I never had an answer and all the decisions I've been making my whole life has been with my gut. So gut, I hope you're trustworthy.
The past few years my gut has gotten me to make some pretty big decisions. It told me to move to the Philippines all by my lonesome. To become a pharmacist. And it's most recent thing it's told me? To proceed on and become a Doctor. That's some pretty big stuff gut, not sure if I can handle it. But if my gut says so.....
Aah, who really knows. I hope I'm not the only one in this boat of confusion and unsureness though. I guess I should be expecting more re-occurrences of these emotions. Hmph.
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