Thursday, March 29, 2012


I think it's pretty clear that I suck at keeping up with things. I posted in January promising new posts and what not, but now it's already March and this is only my 2nd post of the year. I'm not gonna do the usual and talk about time and how fast it goes, blahblahblah and be philosophical. You can go somewhere else for that, I'm sure. I'm actually gonna type out what's going through my mind. May it be pure complaints or something poetic. I mean it's the internet, who cares.

So now that's established. What's going through my mind now, you ask? Well dear internet, that seems to be the only good listener nowadays, I am thinking about ice cream. Yep, ice cream. The new white chocolate cornetto to be specific. Filipino readers will only know what that means. If you're reading this and you don't know, just research. Google is great. Anyways, yes. Ice cream. Also taco bell. I found out through twitter a couple hours ago that there's taco bell in Manila. Question, why is all the good stuff at Manila? And by the good stuff I mean all the American franchises that decided to come over to the fantastic Philippines and overprice their goods to the white papaya soap users because they're the only people here that can afford it, which is like what 12% of the population? Smh. I mean, excuse the too much information I'm giving (don't stalk me), I live in Davao. And Davao is just as cute as Manila. Davao is just as smart as Manila. People totally like Davao just as much as they like Manila. And since when did it become okay for just one city to have all the good stuff? Because that's not what the Philippines is about. I hope you got what I did there. I quoted Mean Girls. Except I did some word exchange. If you don't know what Mean Girls is, gtfo or go watch it and then come back. But I'm totally kidding (to those that do get it), I'm not that bitter towards Manila having everything...

1 comment:

  1. cute.... :-) an ink for thoughts.
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