Thursday, July 14, 2011


I want a baby. Babies, even just the word, make me happy. Little kids too, make me happy. They never fail to put a smile on my face with their glowing smiles or cute little chuckles. Their happiness that comes from simple things, their curiosity that reaches the most vast places, and their innocence. Most especially, their innocence. Their innocence makes me feel refreshed. Like when all things go wrong, you can look a little baby's face and feel better. Either in the slightest way, or completely. You feel better. Their faces are full of hope. Babies and kids don't over think things. They don't think about what could go wrong, but rather everything that could go right. A child's happiness is real happiness. Their smiles have meaning. They're not afraid of who they are. And simply, they're just people. People with no judgement, no standards, no expectations. They eat, sleep, play, and go on. Why can't we still be like that? I feel like growing up ruins all the best in us. Growing up creates judgement, standards, expectations. The things that make everything so damn complicated. Even writing this post, I can't count how many times I've backspaced on my own thoughts because I can't help to not want to be judged. I can't help to not want to be criticized because maybe my grammar's wrong and it's not in alignment with someones standards. Or to not want to disappoint someone because of their expectations. It's just how things and us people work, and I find it really sad. So that's why I want a baby. Because even though everything is a complicated mess, a baby with their big clean innocent hearts and their big smiles can make me realize that things are simple and it's just a matter of how you look at it.

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